what it is...

My photo
Welcome to My Tech Life. I spend so much time reading blogs about everyone else lifes, and gadgets, and whatnot that I finally decided to knock one out myself. Makes sense right? I’m a complete and total card carrying techno-geek and proud of it LOL I’m also a father of a beautiful young lady who is turning into a techophile in her own right. I have been into technology ever since I had my first computer, a TRS-80. It was love at first sight! I am into everything from computers to game consoles, to handheld devices and everything in between. My current passion is wireless tech and cellphones. So basically, this blog will be about tech i find interesting, how it affects my life, and my life in general. Sound interesting? I hope so. Ciao! a.don.is

the bio...

Michigander. I keep trying to leave this damn state and keep coming back to it. Something about it keeps pulling me back. Been here most of my years, with a small stay in Chicago, and short stops in other places.

I'm a divorced father of one beautiful young lady who is growing up way fatser than I want her too LOL Got married for the wrong reasons, so the outcome was predictable. Its all good though. We lasted 10 years and had some really good years. We get along decently now.

Currently in a rebuild phase of my life. It's going slowly but surely. Stay tuned... things can only get better right?

brain storm

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

labor day week end 2 - int'l jazz fest

labor day weekend

some pics from the holiday...


yep thats me... slacker. lol i havent been purposely ignoring my blog but life has been a bit fuller than usual, so i havent felt the need to fill my downtime with posting *wink wink* but now i feel like i'm neglecting an old friend so i'm back. i think this thing is evolving into more of a photo blog, than a blog in the "pure" sense. i am going to make a concetrated effort to be more prolific in my blogging..well at least this one. think i'm gonna kill a couple of my other ones. that being said... huzzah for i have returned! lol...