what it is...

My photo
Welcome to My Tech Life. I spend so much time reading blogs about everyone else lifes, and gadgets, and whatnot that I finally decided to knock one out myself. Makes sense right? I’m a complete and total card carrying techno-geek and proud of it LOL I’m also a father of a beautiful young lady who is turning into a techophile in her own right. I have been into technology ever since I had my first computer, a TRS-80. It was love at first sight! I am into everything from computers to game consoles, to handheld devices and everything in between. My current passion is wireless tech and cellphones. So basically, this blog will be about tech i find interesting, how it affects my life, and my life in general. Sound interesting? I hope so. Ciao! a.don.is

the bio...

Michigander. I keep trying to leave this damn state and keep coming back to it. Something about it keeps pulling me back. Been here most of my years, with a small stay in Chicago, and short stops in other places.

I'm a divorced father of one beautiful young lady who is growing up way fatser than I want her too LOL Got married for the wrong reasons, so the outcome was predictable. Its all good though. We lasted 10 years and had some really good years. We get along decently now.

Currently in a rebuild phase of my life. It's going slowly but surely. Stay tuned... things can only get better right?

brain storm

Friday, June 27, 2008


hey. just droppin off some stuff on my plate. i havent been posting much lately, but its not becuz nothing is going on lol

where to start... well, the job is still going good. no real issues to speak of. getting bonuses pretty regular, at least one each check so the money has been great! i report to the regional property manager, which is cool cuz she's like never here since we have brand new properties in florida and illinios. i wouldnt mind here job. she's always flying off somewhere. plus she's a really laid back easy going type of person, i think we get along very well.

been spending alot of time with my kid. she's turning 13 this year so i want to make sure i'm there for her whenever she needs me. i know the teen years can be rough, so my goal is to be available for her whenever! she's currently at sumer camp, which is a first for her. i can't wait to here about it when she gets back. the camp is run by a christian organization, so thats cool also. they have a website thats pretty interactive. you can email your child and see pics of them taken daily. the only catch is they cant email you back, which was kind of frustrating. over all i'm sure it has been an awesome experience for her. i think i'm gonna have her for the fourth, so i need to start planning eh lol

oh yeah... i still have Kitty. she no longer in heat, but she's found other ways to be equally annoying lol she has decided that i must give her my undivided attention the second i walk in the door from work. if i don't, she makes it a point to get in the way of anything else i may be trying to do. if i try to use the bathroom she'll plant herself in front of the toilet, if i go in the kitchen she'll lean against the fridge door, if i sit on the couch she'll jump up in my lap and head butt me in the chin lol once i finally give her some attention, she'll dismiss e and go somewhere and sleep for an hour or so. then its the same routine over again. this goes on until i go to bed lol good thing i love cats *grin*

Friday, June 20, 2008

...begats cellphone...

so my kid is a technophille just like her dad. and she seems to have inherited my obsession with all things cellphone lol. having played with my new phone (see previous post i.e. helio), she instantly hated her Razr *surprise surprise* luckily, her new disgust with her phone coincided with her mothers desire to no longer pay for it LOL

so... long story short...here is my daughters new phone...

and here she is enthusastically enjoying it lol its actually a cool phone, one that I would carry myself, were i not a "helion" lol its a definate texting oriented phone. virgin mobile is the company. so far so good, decent rates, excellent signal (uses verizon towers). the phone itself was only $99. i love how you can do everything online. their website could be a bit more intuitive, especially since their target market is the younger demographic, but its still pretty good. something wacky is going on with her text messaging regarding how many messages she does/does not have, but I'm sure that will be fixed with a call to customer service.

bottom line is she loves it, so i love it...thats what count right?


just some random pics from my life lately...enjoy..

Saturday, June 7, 2008

summer breeze, makes me feel fine...

check it out... the storms of summer have arrived. yesterday we were under a severe thunderstorm watch for most of the day. periodically it was upgraded to a tornado warning, then downgraded, then upgraded again. we actually got some heavy rain for a bit, and some high winds, but nothing spectacular or dangerous. the clouds looked pretty wicked though, hence the pics lol

In a word...

babysitting. it is what it is. lol one of my closest friends, David, who lives in virginia, left his cat (Kitty) here in michigan with his in-laws. it's been like 3-4 years now. for some reason they can't (or wont) keep the cat any more and suggested putting her in the pound. David was understandably upset and against this action. as was i. i remember when he got kitty. it was during a "wild" time in both our lives. she's been a part of the fam for 9+ years. to let her go to the pound at this point would be cruel. all they would do is euthanize her since she is so old. so i volunteered to keep her until..... what ever. thats the kinda guy i am ;)

so anyway, ....she's in heat. i neglected to inquire if she had been fixed. apparently not. so now i have this hot and bothered old cat crawling around my pad, screeching and yowling 24/7. ah the joys of lifelong friendship LOL

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Great weekend. Hung out with the kid. Di

Great weekend. Hung out with the kid. Did some shopping. She won a scholarship to a week long camp, so she needed a new swim suit. MAN i wont EVEN go into the drama that entails lolOther than that we had fun. Had chinese one day and mexican the next lol I promised her Red Lobster next time. Its time for crab legs!!Oh yeah, the zoo is open! We are so there next weekend! Oh wait, next weekend s my birthday ;)