what it is...

My photo
Welcome to My Tech Life. I spend so much time reading blogs about everyone else lifes, and gadgets, and whatnot that I finally decided to knock one out myself. Makes sense right? I’m a complete and total card carrying techno-geek and proud of it LOL I’m also a father of a beautiful young lady who is turning into a techophile in her own right. I have been into technology ever since I had my first computer, a TRS-80. It was love at first sight! I am into everything from computers to game consoles, to handheld devices and everything in between. My current passion is wireless tech and cellphones. So basically, this blog will be about tech i find interesting, how it affects my life, and my life in general. Sound interesting? I hope so. Ciao! a.don.is

the bio...

Michigander. I keep trying to leave this damn state and keep coming back to it. Something about it keeps pulling me back. Been here most of my years, with a small stay in Chicago, and short stops in other places.

I'm a divorced father of one beautiful young lady who is growing up way fatser than I want her too LOL Got married for the wrong reasons, so the outcome was predictable. Its all good though. We lasted 10 years and had some really good years. We get along decently now.

Currently in a rebuild phase of my life. It's going slowly but surely. Stay tuned... things can only get better right?

brain storm

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Where'd November go?

man that month just flew by.  i been neglecting this thing again I know.  well lets see... Gramps has been in and out of the hospital.  just dosent seem to be making any pogress.  probably mainly cuz he refuses to do what the doctors tell him he needs to do.  he wont do any chemo.  which in his already weakened state, i can understand i guess.  but he also wont do the simple stuff, like not sitting in the hard straight backed kitchen  chair all freaking day reading the Bible.  its very detrimental to his circulation.  if he keeps on, he could possibly lose his legs.  but he is very stubborn.  he is trying to cling to the way things used to be.  he is a very routine oriented person.  he likes to do the same thing every day, at the same time.  well unfortunately, he cant do that anymore and he wont accept that.  so he is back in the hospital again.  will be spending thanksgiving in there.  at least this time hopefully gran or his doctors will make him stay so he can get better.

aliyah is on the swim team now.  she loves it and is doing pretty well.  they have won several meets.  i dont know what their record is so dont ask me lol

as for me, i'm doing pretty well.  doctor has me on some anti-inflamatory so my knees feel better.  Lots less pain.  Also I'm back on my diabetes meds.  Metaformin i think it is LOL  I just feel better with my body regulated.  no more highs and lows.

the job is still decent.  nothing real exciting to talk about.  Broke up a chick fight in the parking lot the other day LOL  Wasnt much of a fight.  2 girls beating a lone girl.  Nobody realy got hurt.  The victim was pretty battered but nothing broken or bleeding.  

Its cold.  and theres slush on the ground.  Yay.  i soo hate winter.  cant wait for spring already LOL  the only good thing about winter is thanksgiving and Christmas.  Period.

Anyway.. thats the update.  I'll post some t-day pics prolly this weekend.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

I can't believe it didn't rain!!!!

Last night was the FIRST halloween that i can remember that it didn't rain or snow!!  and I can remember back at least 10 halloweens...it was surreal how nice it was... nearly 60 degrees.  i know you non-michigan folsk might not appreciate the significance of this but trust me... it was an event LOL

Aliyah went as a killer clown.  i made her clown suit.  the whole thing actually came off as pretty creepy and she got more than a few "oh my gosh!" when she appeared at their front door!  I quote one lady, 

"OOh a clown!!  Are you a good clown?  ...no....no you're not. You're a bad one (as she backed away from the bowl of candy)...help yourself...  Don't look Jenny!!"


Enjoy the pics...