what it is...

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Welcome to My Tech Life. I spend so much time reading blogs about everyone else lifes, and gadgets, and whatnot that I finally decided to knock one out myself. Makes sense right? I’m a complete and total card carrying techno-geek and proud of it LOL I’m also a father of a beautiful young lady who is turning into a techophile in her own right. I have been into technology ever since I had my first computer, a TRS-80. It was love at first sight! I am into everything from computers to game consoles, to handheld devices and everything in between. My current passion is wireless tech and cellphones. So basically, this blog will be about tech i find interesting, how it affects my life, and my life in general. Sound interesting? I hope so. Ciao! a.don.is

the bio...

Michigander. I keep trying to leave this damn state and keep coming back to it. Something about it keeps pulling me back. Been here most of my years, with a small stay in Chicago, and short stops in other places.

I'm a divorced father of one beautiful young lady who is growing up way fatser than I want her too LOL Got married for the wrong reasons, so the outcome was predictable. Its all good though. We lasted 10 years and had some really good years. We get along decently now.

Currently in a rebuild phase of my life. It's going slowly but surely. Stay tuned... things can only get better right?

brain storm

Sunday, February 17, 2008

a series of unfortunate events

the title pretty much sums up how i arrived at the place in life i am now. let me start at the beginning...

Back in 2006 i was working for centennial wireless. was there for almost 2 years. that company had more turn over than any bakery (pun intended). it was ridiculous. during one period we went through 4 district managers in a 6 month period and about 8 store managers. now when the senior management is fleeing, then obviously the company is doing something wrong. anyway, in october of 2006 we got yet another district manager. this guy was a cocky know-it-all who claimed he was from the "mean streets of detroit". later it was found out he never lived in detroit, but in one of its affluent, ethnically challenged suburbs. of course we rubbed each other the wrong way from day one. instant dislike. the problem was, even though he wanted to, he couldn't get rid of me because not only did i perform my job above and beyond what was required, but my store manager found me invaluable to the store (they called me mr.customer service lol). so we existed with each other in a tense but professional atmosphere.

then came the first of the unfortunate events. on my way to work one day in december 2006, i was struck by another car in an icy intersection. my car was totaled. thank God my daughter and i werent injured (other than me having a busted lip. damn air bag lol). what i didn't know at the time was that my insurance had lapsed 2 days before. no more car. to get to the chase, it provided a perfect opportunity for my dm to fire me. because i was unable to come to work for 3 days (even though i talked to my store manager and okayed it), he fired me for 'job abandonment'. Then when i applied for unemployment, he tried to deny it. luckily when i told the agent exactly what happened, they canceled his claim and i got full benefits.

the next thing that happened was of course i lost my apartment of 3 years. which kinda sucked but then again it didn't because i had been thinking of moving anyway because i was paying way more than it was worth, just not under those circumstances LOL So anyway i moved in with a friend for a bit then my mother asked me to come to detroit. so i moved up there with her for awhile.

that proved to be a massive mistake. whi;e staying with her, i discovered my mother (who i hadn't lived with since i was 15) has classics symptoms of bipolar disease and is in total denial that anything is wrong with her. i'm not a doctor of course, but if i have ever seen a case its her. her mood swings are extreme and irrational. plus she is anti-social. compounded by the fact the we have never had what you would call a loving relationship. i though that maybe this was a chance for us to finally bond, since it was her idea i come there. man i could not have been more wrong. everything i did was wrong. nothing about me was good enough. everything was my fault. as if it wasn't humiliating enough to be in the situation in the first place, i was getting put down at every turn. after 3 months of this i bailed. thank God i had people in detroit that actually gave a damn about me. they took me in so i could continue my job search there. turned out to be a much better situation for me. i stayed there through the summer but couldn't find anything. so i came back to grand rapids (where i lived for the past 14-15 years) and stayed with one of my best friends. i worked through temp agencys but could find nothing permanent.

while i was in grand rapids, the next event happened. you sensing a pattern here? before going to detroit, i had placed my belongings in a storage facility. i neglected to purchase the insurance beacause frankly i couldn't afford it at the time. well, there was a storm, small fire, and of course my stuff was ruined. clothes, furniture, memories, computers, etc. all gone.

shortly after that my grandmother suggested i come back to battle creek (hometown) and regroup. so thats what i did. i moved back to bc, currently living with my grandparents helping them out a bit and also keeping an eye on my great aunts (2 of them) who live next door lol it's not perfect by any stretch but it'll do till i get back on my feet.

so thats where i am and how i got here. by rights i should near suicidal and on anti-depressants. but whats the point? whats gonna happen is gonna happen. i just put my faith in God and push on. keep me in your prayers....

1 comment:

ShaBANG said...

Hmmmmmm... are you sure you're supposed to be in the Michigan? Have you tried looking...oh, i dunno... further west maybe? ;)

Grandmother's are awesome. I think she had great insight to bring you back to the creek to regroup. We all have those times. She not only got you back but she put you to work doing something of value, taking care of loved one's and there's no greated stimuli than caring for loved ones.

Hang in there baby your time is coming!